viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

When Things Get Chaotic


How are we to understand our world and respond as it prepares to settle the question of who’s in charge here. What do our sources say?

Jesus asked us not to be alarmed

“Do not be disturbed by the worldwide political upheavals or ongoing conflicts, these are signs of your awakening, as more and more members of humanity express their dissatisfaction with the unacceptable systems of control in which governments and international corporations are and have been engaging all across the planet.

“These systems are no longer acceptable, and the damage and suffering that they have been causing for so long can no longer be hidden, denied, or tolerated.

“Change is required and change is occurring that will lead to further change. The collective decision to awaken will not be stopped or reversed, in fact it is accelerating. Humanity is on a magnificent roll, and you, the Light workers and Light bearers, have been extremely effective in getting it started.” (1)


Here’s Hilarion in October 2016

“All that needs to be changed is in the process of that change and therefore things can seem pretty intense. 
Have faith that all is as it should be and that you will come out at the end of all this change with joy, peace and happiness to a new way and a new beginning filled with all that is right and good and decent in your world and the world at large.”(2)

The Arcturian Group saw our confusion and reassured us:
“We see many still experiencing confusion with regard to world conditions.
 Know that what you are witnessing in these turbulent times is the emerging of old energies long suppressed and hidden in need of exposure in order to be observed, evaluated, and changed.”(3)

 Hilarion coached us on what’s needed at this time:
“There is much that will be coming forth in the coming months that will make each person on the planet, that will make the minds and hearts of the people of the planet reel, trying to absorb all that is being given to them, that is being mirrored to them in the external world.
“It will be a time when all the people of the world will feel fragmented and unable to deal with all the changes that are taking place but ultimately all will come together in a new way, a new beginning that will truly honor each soul upon the planet.”
 Mike Quinsey’s source tells us:
“Fortunately those who work for the Light greatly outnumber those of the dark Ones who oppose them. As you will certainly know, the Lightworkers quietly contribute to the spreading of the Love and Light and in no way introduce devious or negative methods. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and the vibrations of evil are unable to destroy it or exist in its presence.(4)

“Beloved Lightworkers, you are the hope of the world. You are those who are self responsible in a new form of government where all people accept responsibility for all their thoughts, words and deeds, everything that swirls within their consciousness.
“For that is the Divine way, to be fully responsible for one’s self, one’s being, one’s sphere of influence in the environment around them. As more and more people realize this, peace will truly be established upon your planet. All will begin to function with great harmony. The days ahead are filled with hope.”  Hilarion, Aug. 21-28, 2016.
 For us it presents a super dilemma: Do we wish to join in?. 
 Or do we wish to stand back and observe, sending unconditional love to the participants and holding the space for a peaceful settlement overall?
 Some lightworkers will do that.

It’s a difficult decision, but both sides are needed.
(1) Jesus through John Smallman, July 30, 2016, at
(3) Arcturian Group, Oct. 23,

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