viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

Cause and effect

A truly spiritual person is someone who knows that they are the cause and not the effect in life. In practical terms this means no one is capable of doing anything to you, for only you create your reality. Inasmuch as we strive to be sharing and conscious human beings, an inability to forgive others is a complete denial of the laws of the universe.

When you hold onto anger, resentment, blame, and guilt, you are overlooking an important lesson: The essence of forgiveness lies in understanding that there is really nothing to forgive. No one has harmed you, nor can they ever harm you. Everything negative in your life is an effect of a negative seed you planted in this life or in other lives. The only way to remove these seeds before they take root is to let go and trust the Light. Remember the Light?

This does not mean you should lie back and allow yourself to be stepped on, used up and thrown in the garbage. On the contrary, when you bring Light into your actions, you will become very effective. But do let go of the past. Drop the grudges. If you are stuck in what has happened to you, you become resentful, unhappy and pessimistic. Think about the happy, healthy people that you know. Chances are they’re the ones who are in love with life, because they know how to let go of the past, move on, and live in the moment.

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