lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

a call for help

Today, my beloved sisters and brothers, I come to you, with some stories and a request

I believe that there is only one reality, and therein lies an infinite manifestation of the illusion, which is not real, only temporary, but in its moment the reality that we know, or rather perceive.
We are a product of that reality, that which was, is and will be, as Einstein said, "Energy can not be created or destroyed, only transformed"

What I mean is that we are one, and perceive with our senses separation, division, difference, but in essence we are that infinite energy, which is transformed into manifestation, although in appearance we are different, unique, we are essentially the same, yes We enter the inner temple of silence (in which there is no silence, it is called so because the internal sounds have no relation to external sounds, therefore they are referred to as celestial music)

Kabir tells us about his inner experience
The flute of infinity plays without ever interrupting itself, and sings its love. When love renounces every limit, it reaches the truth, how far its perfume is spread, it has no end, no obstacle opposes it. The shape of its melody shines like a million suns.

In a little village in India, there was a blind man who was very devoted to Krishna and trusted his life to him, and all was well until one day when crossing the street, a herd of elephants passed, and someone told him, stop! , They are going to crush you, and he said that nothing would happen to him because he had the protection of Krishna, and was crushed by them, they were all astonished, what happened ?, how is it possible, and what no one realized was that Krishna, got in his way as the person who told him to stop, and he mistook it for somebody else, as if it were real. When the only real thing is the Lord.

We see creation, and we can see perfection in all things, as everything has its time and its cycles, its place, and we with our thoughts, our beliefs, we see things our way, that in reality they are not as they seem, Or as we believe they are.

One day, the Master was walking in the field with his disciple, and the disciple taking advantage of the occasion asked him
Teacher, they say that all that happens is the will of God, how can we not notice it and believe that what we do is governed by our will? How do we perceive our achievements, and do as a product of our dexterity?
The master replied, "Do you see that farmer on the other side of the field near the wall? Look at him, Mr. Labrador, sit on the wall of your house, and the gentleman left his hoe and sat on the wall. , Stretch your arms up, and the man stretches his arms, now throw yourself to the ground and roll to the right, then to the left, stop,stand up and run to the lagoon and  jump into the water. The man did everything as was indicated, the disciple could not believe his eyes, How Master, how we do not perceive that ?.
Go talk to the man and ask him, the disciple went and told the farmer that he saw him from afar and wanted to know the why of everything he did, and the farmer told his story like this: I was happily working my lot when suddenly I felt very tired so I left my hoe and climbed the wall to rest, but I was bothered with pain in the back, so I stretched, but I lost my balance and I fell, I fell into an ant nest so I rolled to one side And it was worse, I rolled back the other side I got up I ran out and I jumped inyto the lake to remove the ants.
In my life I have been able to see that magic, the will of the Lord, and it happens in the here and now, and in times that nothing seems to happen, like now that I've been 4 months without seeing an alternative, from time to time Things that show me that everything runs its course to perfection.

Many years ago, feeling that I did not belong to this world, that I did not have the drive for the struggles of power, wealth, etc., I began to follow the path of the heart, God, or as Lao Tze says,
Tao is all that exists and can exist, external experiences serve to feel the world, inner experiences to understand it, the two types of experience are the same within the Tao, are different only among men.
 To follow the Path of the heart is to do day by day what my heart sees and recognizes as what to do, it is also called the path of the Lord's will, of course, to follow it, you must have a conscious awareness, that you are That, this can be expressed as, "wherever I look, I find your face"
Life has been wonderful, all expressions of God, dancing and singing their praises, yes, I have heard stories of darkness, but since both day and night are important, they come and go, and experiences are accommodated in The feeling of gratitude and joy of being part of this adventure of love.
My heart is a source of love, not desire, not possession, love, unity, happiness, and in manifestation, which has the range from the most brilliant to the most obscure, love the light, love love, And so I go there where there is love.
So life has shown me my way, brought me to live basically only in the United States, to live in a world of magic and light, 10 years I was in a place called Urantia, because according to the Urantia book is the original name Of Earth and means "Cradle of Light", there pass 10 years, Urantia was a place of union and magic, we lived many people who were there, never lacked anything, abundance was love, all who came were family
I always followed what my heart said in the present moment, doubt never entered my heart (doubt is ego, mind, the principle of disharmony)
When Blanca appeared in my life, I came to Urantia, Catherine and Gary also appeared, we had a green datsum that we call "pastito", one day the pastito broke through the middle and touched earth, could no longer be used. We were without transport in a place where to get to a texi we had to walk 2 hours, 10 km. That day Catherine arrived in the afternoon and I left her Jeep, she did not know anything about pastito. (Magic?)
 Thus began a new stage of my life, I began to serve Catherine and Gary, in my heart, if they paid me was for their love, what they gave me was well and I was always willing to serve, as until today. When the Lord knocks at my door, when the here and now asks something of me, I answer immediately, because it is the desire of my heart to serve the love to my last gift of love, my last breath.
At this stage my family developed, and things grew.
Today from my heart, I speak to your heart, and I invite you to participate with me, helping me.
Until December 2016, I received a contribution of 1700 dlls, so I could respond to calls and needs, my cards, which are 5 were good, used as a card, used to pay and paid before cutting to avoid Interests, and so carry easy accounting.
In December the white house was sold, I was  left without service, without contribution, and I came to live in Valladolid, since that time I have been very careful to do my best to have an entrance that allows us to live.
our first venture

At the moment we have opened a restaurant, Blalord, is the name we have given it, it is already working, we are missing everything, we do not have tables, refrigerators, utensils, the place is an open palapa, that is why someone has to be here all the time
Also, I have the credit cards that I have to pay every month, even if it's the minimum and that's about 5000 pesos.
  The restaurant spends more than it produces, and I am aware that that will change as it is being known and we have more bussines.
That is why I want to ask for help to those who feel that they want to do it in their hearts, to help me  is not hard or difficult, what I ask is what they call "spare change",  every month send me what you wont feel, An amount that does not affect you at all, something small, but as large as you can, small for your poket, so you dont feel it.
this its me, 

, The way to do it would be, if you have PayPal, or Payza, there you could send me the amount you want, you should know that whatever you send, it will be very important because a glass is filled drop by drop, and so think what I Send it will be a droplet of your love in my glass in need of that droplet.I thank you first to have read everything and to have come here, I would love to to have your comment and give me ideas of what to do to continue this journey home.When you send me a donation or lent, send me a note, let me know,, and if you want to know how it is going, tell me  so I can keep you informed, and if you ever come to Valladolid, Yucatan, here you will have a family that will take you to places you want to know and more.
I am doing many things trying to make money,here in Valladolid, its very low, like a drop of water to a thirsty man, I am painting some houses,  truly I am very ignorant on what to do to make money, but still I am doing it. looking hard everywhere and in internet, I do believe bussines will be done in inernet, its already being done.

Para PayPal y Payza, es

Si es a tarjeta en Oxxo o a travez de banca por internet

5204 1646 4108 2992 Banamex

please help!!

¿De qué me sirven las palabras cuando el amor ha embriagado mi corazón?
Donde hay compasión hay religión
Donde hay codicia hay pecado       
Donde hay ira hay negación
Donde hay perdón ahí está el Señor     
                                                       “kabir” dentro 

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