miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

The rainbow bridge meditation

This practice is at the heart of the purpose of the Galactic Synchronization Crews. At its simplest level it involves visualizing a rainbow connecting the Earth's magnetic poles. The Bridge is in two parts each 180 degrees apart. It also involves weekly practice of creating a time atom, and on the seventh day telepathically placing it in the Earth's crystal core. Visualizing the rainbow bridge as a group practice is an excellent way of bonding the Galactic Synchronization Crew. So meetings on Silio days (7,14,21 and 28 of every Moon) are recommended. This image of the rainbow bridge we will want to imprint in our heart, remembering it at all times.

Rainbow Bridge Meditation
Visualize yourself inside the Earth's octahedron crystal core (with two red and white sides on top, and two blue and yellow sides below). In the center of this core is an intensely blazing point of white light. An etheric column extends North and South from the blazing center to the tips of the octahedron.
Coiled around the etheric axis like two strands of DNA, are the red and blue flux tubes. In the crystal core are four time atoms. A red time atom is strung on the northern axis, and a blue on on the southern. The gravitational plane of the octahedron emanates horizontally from the center point. Along this plane are two more time atoms, a white and a yellow one, which turn like paddle wheelers making a counterclockwise motion around the center.
Now visualize that from the center of the crystal a great stream of multicolored plasma-filled light flows along the axis toward both of the Earth's poles, shooting out from them to become two rainbow bands 180 degrees apart. As Earth revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and constant, unmoving.
Next take the whole vision of the rainbow bridge around the Earth and place it in your heart. Imagine the two streams of rainbow light rushing through your central column, shooting out from above your head and beneath your feet to create a rainbow bridge around your body. Now you and the rainbow bridge are one. The rainbow bridge of world peace is real. Visualized by enough people in a telepathic wave of love, the rainbow bridge will become a reality.

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