jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

The secrets of God

                                 The Temple of Silence

This is called the temple of silence, the place of Power. Silence is Power, for when we reach the place of silence in mind, we have reached the place of power- the place where all is one, the one power- God.

   "Be still and know that I am God"

 When through concentration (drawing to a center) we have brought all of our forces into one point of force, we have contacted God in Silence, we are one with Him and hence one with all power.

  This is the heritage of man "I and the father are one"

 There is but one way to be one with the power of God and that is consciously to contact God.

  This cannot be done in the without, for God manifest from within

"The Lord is in His Holly Temple: let all the earth to keep silent before Him".

   Only as we turn from the without to the silence of the within, can we hope to make conscious union with God

Only the humble can perceive the truth. We must seek God through the Christ within, the invisible connection we have within ourselves

  will continue,  juan,en,cancun@gmsil.com

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