miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

You are the chosen one

Look at the precipice of your own life. What do you see? Should I tell you?

Yes, that which you see, is a part of you, but there, there is also a part of me, which is the same as yours,
and a part of Brother Tigre, which is the same as yours,
and a part of Brother Tree, which is the same as yours,
and a part of Sister Stone, which is just like yours,
and a part of Mother Rain, which is the same as yours,
there is a part of Mother Mountain, which is just like yours,
and a part of Brother Sun, which is just like yours,
and there is a part of Mother Earth, which is the same as yours.

We all form, all absolutely everyone, a fantastic network of great possibilities of relationships, that are there, just living like you.

Now, shoot, shoot those energies, that you have in your interior, remove them, and absolutely nourish yourself with life, with that life that you have near you.

Take out your own feelings, your creativity has been granted for you to enjoy.

All those false prophets who try to frighten you, who try to manipulate you, do not listen to them, just follow that step, that flutter, soft, firm and sure, that is throbbing inside you.

It is too easy to stay doing nothing, but you, all of you, are in an interconnected way.

Now, it's time, loose your laziness, bite your own life hard, bite the strength of your Being.
Do not worry about anything, do not worry, just take care of yourself, but that occupation is linked to that constant flow that surrounds you.
Take a risk once and for all.

Dedicate yourself to yourself, dedicate yourself to observe, because that little caterpillar that passes in front of you, teaches you one of the greatest wisdoms of the Cosmos, of your own Cosmos, "the calm".

Do not wait, everything comes, everything arrives, it is a wheel that turns and rotates.

Delight yourself by turning your own wheel, now here, now there, relax.

Feel just for a moment "who you really are" ..

We must remove all the labels placed and interposed by us, placed and interposed by others.

And what is your true Seal ?.

What is this that is stuck to fire in your soul ?, Look at the drawing that matches your heart.
That drawing, that Seal marked through the heartbeat, since you were born until now, "identifies you".

All your own expression throw it to the Four Seas, throw it to the Four Winds, redraw again and again, that only you, you can now, learn to listen to that "great movement of each of your steps".

You are born under an agreement, in which "you were the chosen one".

No, no, do not hide, come out, leave that great shell of fears and doubts that fantasize and feed a part "that is not yours".

You are vibration, joy, hope, strength, you are a gale of positive emotions, you are a hurricane that rips away all the negative that is totally hooked to your insides.

Disconnect, dare to stretch that magic and powerful thread that gives you so much fear, dare, nothing happens, disconnect and "you will be completely free." Disconnect