domingo, 22 de enero de 2017

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, January 20, 2017

mike-quinsey20th January 2017. Mike Quinsey.
You should all now have a reasonable idea as to how the future will work out. The timing of events is not rigid but quite flexible, and based on the best opportunity to bring the changes about. They will come without any doubt so do not be concerned if the timing does not match your expectations.
Those who have planned your end times have the power and authority to do whatever is necessary to ensure completion in accordance with the end of this cycle. You are already experiencing yet another period of time speeding up and so it will continue.
Do not allow outer happenings to affect your own journey, as many groups are going through their own needs to clear their lower energies that must be done if they are to have any chance of lifting up their vibrations. Those who cannot move up with the changes will simply follow another path that is in accordance with their needs.
Some of you are waiting for the changes in certain currencies that may bring you a great gain. Most people are unaware of such opportunities, but are assured that before long many more currencies will rise in value. Eventually it is planned to abolish poverty or need, and in reality it is not that far away.
Meantime many will struggle through the changes but hopefully will be uplifted knowing that all is progressing well. Your future is very bright and for most beyond their wildest dreams. So keep your eyes on the promises for the future, knowing that in reality it is fully assured and protected to ensure your success.
The dark Ones can no longer keep their activities secret, and slowly but surely their actions are being revealed which is preventing them from being escalated. They had thought they were invincible, but reckoned without the support that Humanity is being given by those who have come from outside of your Solar System.
You are far from fighting a losing battle and when the Forces of Light show their hand victory is assured. You would be amazed if you knew how many Beings of Light oversee your activities, and as far as karma permits are helping you to achieve the victory that you have been promised. Much of the activity and battles between the dark Ones and the Forces of Light is out of your sight, occurring both inside and outside of the Earth.
Fortunately those who work for the Light greatly outnumber those of the dark Ones who oppose them. As you will certainly know, the Lightworkers quietly contribute to the spreading of the Love and Light and in no way introduce devious or negative methods. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe and the vibrations of evil are unable to destroy it or exist in its presence.
So dear friends of Light never falter in your work to spread the Light, and you will be achieving considerably much more than you can imagine. If sufficient people were to come together in a high vibration of love, all would be lifted up immediately beyond the reaches of the dark Ones.
As souls who are of the Light, you can spread it far and wide simply by walking amongst those who are around you. Depending on how high your vibrations are, you will have some effect on them that in some instances can be felt. Certainly you at least give out a “feel good” energy which is why people like to be around you. Your auric energy can have many colours, that when seen by a clairvoyant are described as very pure and bright. That is how one who is giving out the love energy would be described. Auras are your undeniable light “signature” that shows how well and how far you have developed spiritually.
There are few if any who read such channeling who are unaware that you have an etheric body, and it is your Light body that is sometimes known as your Light signature. The purer the energy the more spiritual you are and that does not necessarily mean in a religious sense. It is the gradual understanding when an evolved soul will see all others as a part of the whole and therefore All as One. It is the realisation that all are a facet of Universal Love, “you are me and I am you”. It is a goal to be achieved and to be One with God. It is certainly a lot to contemplate yet through such understanding one can find complete peace. It is worth great consideration and capable of lifting you up into the higher vibrations.
Life is a continual search for the Truth and most souls seek the answers outside of themselves, yet all of the time it lies within. It may take time to come to that conclusion, and acceptance will come as all roads lead to the One Truth. It will take time to find the answers that satisfy your longing for such an understanding, and all souls will at some stage follow such a path to full understanding. All along the way are those who offer a helping hand when it is needed, and ask for nothing in return. Their joy and happiness lies within having helped another soul along its journey to find the way home.
When you are ready to venture out you will know beyond doubt, and surge ahead into the next stage of your adventure. Many, many souls have gone before you and the pathway is in place that leads to fulfillment. It will bring utter joy and a love that knows no parallel. The pain and misery that you have experienced will pass and it will feel strange as you came from the higher realms and dropped into the realm of duality to help show others the way forward.
In your quiet moments you will absolutely know that you are not your body, but a beautiful soul that has taken an incarnation in the lower vibrations to help others. Because of it you have gained more experience and are able to understand the nature of physical life and can help others complete their journey. Service to others is the keyword to evolution as you recognise that All are One. In a world so full of turmoil and danger it is difficult to see the way out and step onto a path that leads to peace and happiness, but that is the way it is when the old ways are reluctant to go and make way for the new. However, so many souls have found the Light and their combined energy is helping others to become awake to the truth.
Time is continuing to speed up so make sure you are prepared for Ascension that is coming very near, and will be within most of your lifetimes. You should know by now how much you have evolved and whether you are on course to ascend. Keep looking straight ahead and let nothing take away your focus. Help is always with you so call on your Guides any time you need assistance, and be assured that it will be given. It may not be exactly what you asked for but will help solve your problems. Share your thoughts with your Guides as they enjoy being part of your life experiences.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Energies hitting us now

Archangel Michael on the Energies Hitting Us Now

The energy that is penetrating not just your planet, because sometimes when we refer to penetrating your planet, you do not realize fully that it is penetrating each and every one of you. The channel is correct: it is knocking you sideways, left, right, center, backwards, forwards, up and down.
Now, let us explain. You are in a time of extraordinary change. Many of you have forgotten, but thankfully, the Mother has not. Her Tsunami of Love has never ceased. There have been times when it has been stronger or softer, but that has never changed.
But, what She has done is [She has] called upon all of us. Now, you know that we are all one and that we participate in the One. But, aside from that, each of us – the archangels, the seraphs, the cherubs, the angelic realm, the legions of light, the legions of sheer energy that we don’t speak of that often, all the legions of your star brothers and sisters, the entire legions of the ascended masters, the entire legions of what you can think of as your ancestors both on and off planet – the clarion call from the Mother went out to us.
And, this has been saved for the time when the final push had need to come. All of us – there is not a single being of what you think of as the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, all the councils, the Intergalactic Council – we have all been asked to send the full force of our loving energy, our creative force to each of you. But the waves that are penetrating not merely your heart, your cells, all of your bodies – awakening glands (pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid), the energies that are speaking to your cells, to your nanostructure – are laser-like, filled with this collective energy from all of us.

You can think of it however you want. You can think of it as the wildest thunderstorm you have ever experienced, as the strongest golden rain (that is my sister Gabrielle’s favorite), as the tidal wave, the tsunami, as the perfectly quiet peace and silence. But there is not one of you, aware or unaware, recalcitrant or indifferent, that is not receiving the impact – full impact – of this energy.
Now why, at this moment, has the Mother – can you think of it as – enlisted her troops, her legions? Now also, as I say this, understand that you and the planet, all of Gaians, all of what you think of as humanity, are in the framework of the Mother’s New Time. We have spoken of this, but think of it as time being fluid rather than frozen and linear.
In this fluidity of New Time, there is a conjoining, a stirring, a melding of the energies of above and below, of what you would have thought of as future and past all coming into what you perceive of as your now. And, not only the time frame of what you think of as now, which is strange, but into your physical bodies and all your other bodies.
So you are going to be experiencing, yes, feelings of exhaustion. Think of this as a multiplication of what many of you have thought of as ascension symptoms, or flu. So there will be exhaustion. There will be elation. There will be interest in new things. There will be some life review, including future review. And, there will be a sense of readiness to get going.
You say, “Well, Lord, we have been waiting to get going for a long time.” There is an appropriate moment in all Reality for stepping forward, stepping back, and staying still.

What this energy is doing is also, and primarily, reawakening your sense, and perhaps I would say your drive, for the fulfillment of your mission and purpose, the understanding of that mission and purpose, but also the excitement, the awe, the wonder, the feeling of persistence to get going with your mission and purpose.
And the second is the penetration of enough fuel. And, what is the fuel? The fuel is love. So, think of it this way: You are being loved. You are being filled with love. You are feeling the love. You are expressing and experiencing the love. You are being loved in ways that humanity has not felt since the very beginning.
It is the restoration of the Mother’s Plan. It is the restoration, not of the planet – she is doing well; it is coming along – but of your deep knowing, partnered with the wisdom that that knowing can and does reflect, that you are here to experience love in form and to create. She has given you the pattern, the paradigm.
Look at your planet! Why do you think it attracts so many to her? Not simply because this is the time of restoration. But, look at her! The grandeur, the diversity: from meadows and flatlands, to the Himalayas, to the oceans, to the streams, to the deserts. The Mother created and birthed this pattern of such diversity to show you, to remind you what is possible. …
All things are patterned on our Mother. So you are not all alike. You come in different sizes and shapes and colors. And, even within the wonder of this beautiful physical form, there are different colors of hair and skin, differentiation of organs, even a differentiation of toes, of fingers, of digits. The pattern of the grandeur is all around you. So this is the time of real, profound, great, timeless awakening.
So you say to me, “Lord, what do I do with this energy?” Well my friend, dearest Steve, it is exactly as I have suggested to you in our private conversation. And that is to allow, to surrender, and to enjoy. The gifts and the multiplicity of gifts are enormous.
It’s very sad – yes, we know what sad means, and no, not simply as “pathetic,” as my sister says so often – it is sad when you arrive at a being, and a being that is calling back all their aspects, activating their entire pattern, and they say, “Oh, no thanks.”
Now there is a rule, a Universal Law, that the Mother has set long ago, that we do not override free will. And we are not doing that. But the penetration of all beings, all seven billion plus, is occurring regardless of free will. The energy is going in like air and water. What you are choosing to do with it is, of course, where free will comes in.
But as you allow this energy to penetrate and to settle, you will feel – and many of you already are feeling – significantly different. Rest when you need to, because this is more energy than you have ever received upon this planet, period.
And this penetration will not stop until our job, in the name of the Mother and Father, is done. 

viernes, 13 de enero de 2017

beloved, today we have an Angelic talk abaut abundance I like to share with you, it  shows us how we deal with our everyday life, and teaches us the reality and how to act., enjoy!

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: How To Create Abundance

Today we would like to take this time to discuss the manifestation of abundance. Certainly abundance can come in many forms, but we will primarily be speaking about financial abundance, as this is a topic we are asked most often to elaborate upon. Let us begin.
We often say that all of you are always manifesting abundance at all times, you may just not particularly like what you are abundant in. Remember you can be abundant in problems, lack, and challenges just as easily as you can be abundant in finances, joy, love, bliss and friendships. This is why we say, all of you are always manifesting abundance however we would like to further explain how you can consciously direct what you wish to be abundant in.
Those of you who are drawn to this message are already well aware that you are the creators of your reality. So why then is their still lack, disease, suffering and heartache? To this we reply, because though you have become consciously aware that you are the creators of your reality, most often humans find the absence of what they want to be their dominant focus.
When you are focused upon lack while you yearn for abundance, you can only attract lack. We often say the Universe doesn’t respond to your wishes, dreams or greatest desires anymore so than a mirror does not show you what you wish to look like. A mirror can only reflect what you are right now and so it is with the Universe; it responds to one thing and that is your focus which in turn dictates your vibration.

When you tune your vibration to any positive feeling, such as happiness, joy, optimism, excitement, exhilaration or love, the Universe responds with more feelings, circumstances, experiences that match the vibration you are pulsing out. It doesn’t matter why you feel these positive feelings, all that matters is that you do. Use any excuse you can find to feel good.
We often use the analogy of your television because you understand that you are not mandated to remain on any channel that you do not prefer. You do not doubt the existence of the many other channels available simply because you are not watching them. You know that as soon as you pick up the remote and tune to a new channel, you will experience a new program.
And so it is with your thoughts. You are never mandated to stay tuned to one thought any longer than you choose. You know you are always able to choose new thoughts and when you do, you naturally change the “channel” of your vibration.
You see, your ability to create abundance has never gone away, it merely has been blocked due to the focus on its opposite, which is lack. We are not denying that your reality is captivating and it is often times difficult to direct your attention away from the biggest problems in your life however we can assure you, you will never be able to create something new unless you learn to direct your focus deliberately upon what you want, making a conscious decision to feel differently.
As you begin to deliberately choose your focus and therefore your vibration regardless of the experiences that are manifesting before you, that is when you truly become the conscious deliberate creator of your reality. You came here to manifest every desire fully into your physical reality. You did not come here to struggle, or yearn hopelessly for something you could not achieve. If you want something, it is yours. But your thoughts, vibrations and emotions must align with what you want in order to receive it.

Often times, we are asked, “what beliefs do I have that are blocking abundance?”  Our reply is always the same. It is the constant focus, and awareness of lack that blocks abundance. We will tell you this, it does you no good to dig up any limiting beliefs, even if your intention is to weed them out; as everything in your Universe responds to the universal law of expansion.
What you focus on, will always expand. So when you seek to find a problem, often times you are frustrated as it only magnifies the belief. You cannot remove a belief by focusing upon it. You can only shut its power source off by removing your focus. By removing your focus from the problem and focusing all of your attention upon what is going right, what you appreciate, what you enjoy, what brings you peace, you remove the power that has given it momentum.
We offer you this simple analogy. If you were to walk into a room, with the ceiling fan on high, and flip the switch to turn it off, would the fan stop rotating? Yes, of course, because you shut the power source off providing the momentum. But the fan would not instantaneously stop rotating the very instant you flipped the switch; it would slowly stop rotating until it had not more momentum left. And so it is with your thoughts.
Just because you stop focusing on the negative experiences in your life does not mean there will be instantaneous change in your physical reality. The momentum needs a few revolutions to come to a stop. We use this analogy to show you that, just because lack still manifests for a little while even though you have successfully shifted your thoughts to a new, more positive “channel” doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, or that you are doing something wrong. It just takes a little bit of time for the momentum to stop.
Each of you are divine creator beings who are without question deserving and capable of creating abundance in every form. You are meant to be abundant in love, energy, health, finance, friends, peace and bliss.
The Universe is infinitely abundant and it seeks to serve. Allow your heart to open to all possibilities that abundance can come to you. It may be a gift, it may be an idea, it may be a stranger, it may even come in the form of a trade but you must tune yourself to the “channel” of abundance in order to hear the Universe’s message.
We hope that we have served in you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, 

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

we start this 2017, with a story from Steve

 I’ve been a student of channeled literature since around 1976. It began with an interest in the spirit world. It was only fairly recently that it expanded to take in the galactic visitors who’ve been watching over us since our beginnings. They in fact turn out to be our parents, our ancestors. We’re about to experience a family reunion of universal proportions. I can’t adequately express what an honor it’s been to be introduced to them through their words. Their view of life, the love they freely share with us, their deep but pracical wisdom have been a constant delight to me. I say this after having come off a diet of reading nothing but the works of enlightened beings for a decade prior to coming upon channeled messages from galactics.
 What do they say? Well, they tell us that a Yuga or Age of 26,000 years has ended on Dec. 21, 2012. The last Age was the Kali Yuga or Dark Age, Hinduism tells us. The next Age is the Sat Yuga or Golden Age. The Age of Aquarius to some. The New Age to others. Since late 2012, we’ve been mounting an energy ladder deeper and deeper into higher densities of consciousness. I know I feel better and better and have never had as many spiritual experiences as in the last two years. I don’t need much convincing.

The photonic or gamma-ray energy that is raising our consciousnesses has been beamed from “elsewhere.” Higher-dimensional societies are beaming it. Exalted beings are. No one is more exalted than the Divine Mother - a conventional way of referring to God in its active as opposed to God in its passive phase - and she’s beaming her energy.
 All that happens happens according to her will. Galactics, celestials, terrestrials, animals, plants all follow her will. Earth, air, fire and water does. And it’s her will that Earth shall return to Fifth Dimensionality and that Earth’s Ascension will be the first in the universe in which people ascend en masse and retain their physical bodies. Prior to now, an individual could ascend but only after shedding the body.
 Ours is the first of a new variety of experience, opening up into a new space. So the galactics have a lot on their plate.
 • Rescue Earth which was dying from our warring negativity, radioactive (depleteduranium) poisoning, pollution, and the draining of her resources.
 • Stop destructive nuclear explosions in space.
 • Neutralize a worldwide cabal bent on World War III, without using violence except where unavoidable.
 • Pacify the world’s militaries.
 • Uplift a planet’s population, most of whom are terrified that you’re going to eat them.
 • Direct the traffic of those leaving through natural causes and those ascending. 
• Oh, and bring in a new economy, new governments, new healing technologies, etc

Let’s stop the truth embargo against the existence of our space family. Let’s cease from misrepresentating our galactic family as being hostile, predatory, and unloving and ridiculing us who wait to greet them. Let’s welcome our family from the stars and let the good times roll.
 Steve Beckow
 Chief Editor Golden Age of Gaia